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Multiple Representation; Intermediation

*[注:参见 意见217 has been substantively affected by the amendments to the D.C. 职业行为准则 that became effective on February 1, 2007]

在充分披露并征得客户同意后, 澳门赌场官网事务所可以代表一组索赔人中的多名成员对其他个人索赔人或索赔人群体进行有限的基金代理. 本所不得作为任何客户的辩护澳门赌场官网,决定任何客户之间的奖励分配. 这可能是合适的, 然而, for the firm to serve as an intermediary in determining the allocation among its clients.

本所有义务保护其客户关于先前案件和解的秘密,但这并不妨碍该等客户和新客户随后的联合代理, 在征得客户同意后,充分披露. 任何保密协议可能在多大程度上限制本所在随后的诉讼中代表客户,与本规则无关, 因此没有得到解决.


  • 规则1.7(多重表示)
  • 规则2.2(澳门赌场官网作为中介)1

一家澳门赌场官网事务所建议代表三名客户在版权版税审裁处进行诉讼. 每年,转播广播节目信号的有线电视运营商将版权“版税”存入版权登记册,由版权法庭最终分发. 看到 17 U.S.C. § 111(d). The tribunal is authorized to determine the allocation of the fund among the claimants, 须经联邦法院审查. 看到 17 U.S.C. § 111(d)(4); 看到一般 37 C.F.R. §§ 301.70-301.83 (1990). 仲裁庭将这笔资金分配给规定的“索赔团体”,如“联合体育项目编制人”,“程序供应商”,及“第一阶段”法律程序中的“虔诚申索人”. In "Phase II" the tribunal allocates the awards to each group among the members of the group.

在之前的诉讼中,本所曾代表两位客户在版权版税审裁处出庭. These clients want the firm to represent them in upcoming proceedings, 并且相信,如果有第三个索赔人加入他们的行列,作为一个团体向法庭提出索赔,将符合他们的利益. The three clients would be members of the same Copyright Royalty Tribunal "claimant group." In all 谈判 with other claimants or in proceedings before the tribunal, 该公司将作为一个整体代表这三家客户. The allocation of any resulting award among the three clients would be determined by agreement.

在过去,该公司客户的索赔没有在版权版税法庭举行听证会就得到了解决. By contract, the terms of prior settlements are confidential.

规则1.7. 规则1.7如下:

   (b)以下第(c)段允许的情况除外, a lawyer shall not represent a client with respect to a matter if:

(3) Representation of another client will be or is likely to be adversely affected by such representation; or
(4)澳门赌场官网代表委托人作出的专业判断将受到或合理可能受到澳门赌场官网对第三方的责任或利益或澳门赌场官网自身财务状况的不利影响, 业务, 财产, 或者个人兴趣.


(1) Each potentially affected client provides consent to such representation 在充分披露之后 of the existence and nature of the possible conflict and the possible adverse consequences of such representation; and

规则1.7(a) thus prohibits multiple representation without regard to client consent. Cf. 意见158 (1985). 规则1.7(b) in contrast permits multiple representation with the consent of the affected clients, 但只有在完全披露之后. Cf. 第54号意见(1978).

规则1的禁止.7(a)是绝对的, 并排除在任何“问题”上的代表," whether it involves judicial or administrative proceedings, 一个应用程序, 起草合同, 谈判, 遗产规划, 或者家庭关系. 规则1的范围.7(a), 然而, 是否相对狭窄:仅在某一特定“立场”的情况下才被禁止代理,如果该公司还代表另一个客户,而该客户在同一问题上实际采取或将采取不利的“立场”. 对规则的评论[4]确认,“(a)款的绝对禁止只适用于澳门赌场官网将被要求在同一事项上支持不利立场的情况."

因此,规则1.7(a)禁止代表客户a的澳门赌场官网事务所在同一诉讼中代表客户B,除非客户B在该问题上实际采取或将采取不利立场. 如果共同代表的利益足够大,或者胜诉的可能性足够小,将增加其个人的恢复, each of the clients might after "consultation" choose to forgo such arguments. 看到一般 规则1.3(b) (client determines lawful objectives); 第143号意见(1984). 因此,如果客户B选择放弃在特定问题上采取反对立场,规则1.7(a)的条款将不适用. 规则1.第7(b)条规定,在同时代表具有潜在不利利益的客户实际上并不要求律所在同一诉讼中采取不一致的立场的任何情况下.

同样,尽管有规则1.7(a), a firm may represent multiple clients in one phase of a case, 即使公司将被排除在案件的后续阶段代表客户. 例如, a firm could represent two or more parties in the liability phase of a case, 尽管在案件的损害赔偿阶段,每个客户都需要单独的澳门赌场官网,因为双方都会采取相反的立场. 规则1.7、评论[4]. 在这种情况下,规则1.而不是规则1.7(a),将是控制. 另请参阅 规则1.6和1.9.

根据规则1.7(b) clients may "consent" to the simultaneous representation of potentially adverse parties, so long as the lawyers in the firm can satisfy their professional responsibilities.3 "Consent' denotes a client's uncoerced assent to a proposed course of action, following consultation with the lawyer regarding the matter in question.术语[2]. “‘咨询’或‘咨询’是指合理充分的信息沟通,使客户能够理解所讨论事项的重要性.术语[3]. 因此,有效的同意需要充分披露,以允许每个客户做出知情决定.

In this case, full disclosure necessarily would include a frank discussion of 规则1.9和1.特别地. 当事人不能就仲裁金额的合理分配达成协议,或者一方当事人因其他原因认为自己的利益与他人的利益不可调和而终止共同代理的, 该公司可能被禁止代表任何客户参加版权版税审裁处的诉讼. 进一步, because the firm has represented two of the clients in prior proceedings, 拟议的联合陈述可能要求公司在多大程度上使用或披露以前获得的机密或秘密,也应明确讨论. 最后, 如下所述, 如果公司将参与客户的努力,在他们之间达成分配协议, 规则2.应在一开始就明确处理2(d).

在询问者提出的情况下,规则1.7(a)不会禁止客户在版权版税审裁处诉讼的任何阶段或在与其他参与人的谈判中共同代表. 根据规则1.7(b), 客户可以“同意”共同代理, provided the firm makes full disclosure of the costs and benefits of proceeding in that fashion. 每一位客户都有权考虑共同代理的利益是否需要抛开与他人的分歧,采取共同的谈判或诉讼策略. 看到一般 规则1.3; 第143号意见(1984). 在某些情况下, 额外的澳门赌场官网费和增加延迟的可能性可能会超过任何预期的从单独代理中获得的增量恢复的价值. 第143号意见(1984).

与此形成鲜明对比的是, 本所显然不能在与其他三家客户谈判确定任何奖金分配时,作为其中任何一家客户的辩护澳门赌场官网. More for any one of the three would necessarily mean less for at least one of the others. 尽管如此,根据规则2.2:


 澳门赌场官网就共同代理的含义与每一位委托人进行磋商, 包括所涉及的优势和风险, 以及对澳门赌场官网-当事人特权的影响, and obtains each client's consent to the common representation;
(2)澳门赌场官网有理由相信,该事项可以在符合委托人最大利益的条件下解决, that each client will be able to make adequately informed decisions in the matter, and that there is little risk of material prejudice to the interests of any of the clients if the contemplated resolution is unsuccessful; and

(b)澳门赌场官网应该, except in unusual circumstances that may make it infeasible, 向双方客户提供书面解释,说明共同代理所涉及的风险,以及可能导致以后需要或可取的单独代理的情况, 客户的同意也应当采用书面形式.

(c)作为中间人, 澳门赌场官网应当就应当作出的决定和作出决定的有关考虑事项与委托人进行协商, so that each client can make adequately informed decisions.

(d) A lawyer shall withdraw as intermediary if any of the clients so request, or if any of the conditions stated in paragraph (a) are no longer satisfied. 在撤军, 澳门赌场官网不得继续就调解事项为当事人代理.

It is essential that each client fully understand the firm's role. Because the risks are great for the lawyer as well as the clients, 只要可行,就应提供共同代表制所涉问题的书面解释.4

因此, 尽管律所不能作为任何客户的辩护人在他们之间分配奖金, 让商行作为中间人促进协议的达成,可能会符合所有客户的利益. "In considering whether to act as intermediary between clients, a lawyer should be mindful that if the intermediation fails the result can be additional cost, 尴尬, 和相互指责.规则二.2、评论[5]. 如上所述, 如果向客户充分披露,则需要讨论如果尝试的中介不成功,对每个客户可能产生的不利后果.

最后, the inquiry refers to confidentiality agreements governing prior settlements. Whatever the firm's contractual obligations under previous confidentiality agreements, they are independent of the firm's ethical obligations under 规则1.6, 对于任何此类协议对本所代表三名客户的权利的影响,我们不发表任何意见. 我们注意到, 然而, 律所澳门赌场官网所拥有的知识体系, 包括版权版税审裁处解决争议的一般条款(区别于特定实体接受特定条款)。, 可能不是规则1意义上的“秘密”.6.5 无论如何,规则1.明确允许澳门赌场官网在征得委托人同意的情况下使用或泄露委托人的机密或秘密, 在充分披露之后. Cf. 意见158 (1985).

调查没有. 90-10-39 


1. District of Columbia 职业行为准则 became effective January 1, 1991. 相应的, 根据《澳门赌场官方软件》,没有理由考虑拟议的代理是否恰当.
2. For purposes of submitting claims to the Copyright Royalty Tribunal, “请求人可以自行约定强制许可费的比例分摊, may lump their claims together and file them jointly or as a single claim, or may designate a common agent to receive payment on their behalf.” 17 U.S.C. § 111(d)(4)(A).
3. “例如, 即使客户提供了知情且非强制的同意, 澳门赌场官网不能履行勤勉义务的,不得承接或者继续代理, 沟通, 以及规则1规定的客户机密保护.3, 1.4,和1.6.规则1.7、评论[15].
4. 律所应仔细考虑其事先代表三名客户中的两名是否会使中介不适当. “Since the lawyer is required to be impartial between commonly represented clients, intermediation is improper when that impartiality cannot be maintained. 例如, 一名澳门赌场官网在很长一段时间内代表某一客户处理各种事务,可能很难在该客户和最近才介绍给他的客户之间保持公正.规则二.评论[7]. 之前的关系当然应该公开.
5. In construing analogous provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility, 委员会解释说:“澳门赌场官网对他的委托人是有用的,因为他了解法律以及如何将法律适用于不同的实际情况. Such knowledge is not gained through formal legal training and postgraduate courses alone, but also from the everyday practice of the law while representing various clients. 如果《澳门赌场官方软件》禁止使用这些知识,除非是为了他在获得这些知识时碰巧代表的客户的利益,那么它肯定会给每个法律从业人员带来难以承受的负担. 法律专业知识是通过在许多情况下代表许多客户逐渐获得的一层又一层的知识和经验. It is not something that can be parsed and sold exclusively to any one client. The usual attorney-client relationship does not include such exceptions.第175号意见(1986).
